Milk--2 cups
Condensed milk--1 tin
Nescafe-3 tsps heaped+1 tbsp hot Water
Gelatin--3 tbsps+4 tbsp water
Eggs --4 -separated
Cream(I used 1 tetra pack of PUCK thick cream).
Cashew nuts--3/4 cup
Granulated sugar--3 tbsps
Butter --1tsp
Soak gelatin in water in a microwave proof bowl..Keep aside for a few minutes.Separate the egg yolks from whites..Mix together milk, condensed milk and lightly beaten egg yolks...Strain the liquid and slightly thicken over slow fire.. Add the coffee solution and mix well.. Melt the soaked gelatin by heating in a microwave for 20 secs:at high power. Add this to the custard. Let set in the fridge till slightly set.. Beat the egg whites well, add 2 tsps of granulated sugar and beat again till stiff and glossy.. Fold it into the slightly set custard along with the cream.... Let set in the fridge again after covering the pudding dish with cling film.
For neatly shaped souffles, let set in small jelly moulds.
Caramalize sugar in a frying pan till brown.. Add butter, cashew nuts and stir well for one minute.. Transfer to a greased plate and let set.. Crush coarsely and use this to decorate the souffle.
May use with butterscotch, coffee or chocolate sauce for added flavor!! In the picture given at the top I have used coffee sauce.
Wow.. this looks yumm.. I was on the lookout for a new dessert.. Got it.. thank you :)